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Great Poleaxe[4S & ETH & 10-14 ED]

Great Poleaxe[4S & ETH & 10-14 ED] [Runewords(Bases)]

Sale [+4 Socketed]
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Sale [+10-14 EDmg]

Great Poleaxe [Runewords(Bases)]

Ichorsting 2H damage: 46-127
Base speed: [0]
Class speed: D, S - Fast
Asn, B, N, P - Normal
Ama - Slow
Adds range: 4
Durability: 55
Req Strength: 179
Req Dexterity: 99
Req level: 63
Quality level: 84
Max sockets: 6
Great Poleaxe
[4S & ETH & 10-14 ED]


Price 8.83 USD

What Can Great Poleaxe[4S & ETH & 10-14 ED] Do In Diablo 2 Resurrected?

In Diablo 2 Resurrected, the Great Poleaxe [4S & ETH & 10-14 ED] is a high-level two-handed polearm weapon that can be customized with gems or runes to add special abilities. Here are the specific properties of the Great Poleaxe [4S & ETH & 10-14 ED]:

4 sockets: With four sockets, the Great Poleaxe [4S & ETH & 10-14 ED] can be customized with gems or runes to add special abilities to the weapon.

Ethereal: This modifier provides a bonus to the weapon's base damage but also means that the weapon will eventually break and cannot be repaired.

10-14% Enhanced Damage: This modifier provides a bonus to the weapon's base damage.

Additional properties: The Great Poleaxe [4S & ETH & 10-14 ED] may also have additional modifiers that are randomly generated, such as increased attack speed, a chance to hit, or resistance.

What Are The Most Popular Combos Of D2R Great Poleaxe[4S & ETH & 10-14 ED]?

Diablo 2 Resurrected Great Poleaxe[4S & ETH & 10-14 ED] is a high-level two-handed polearm weapon that can be customized with gems or runes to add special abilities. Some popular rune and gem combinations for the Great Poleaxe [4S & ETH & 10-14 ED] include:

1. Amn + Shael + Jah + LoThis runeword combination creates the "Grief" runeword, which provides a large bonus to damage, increased attack speed, and enhanced damage to undead enemies. This is a popular choice for Barbarians who use the Great Poleaxe as their primary weapon.

2. Amn + Tir + Sol + Ko: This runeword combination creates the "Malice" runeword, which provides a smaller bonus to damage and a chance to cast a level 5 Amplify Damage curse on hit. This is a good option for characters who are still building their runeword collection and are looking for an affordable option.

3. Eth + Amn + Lo + Sol: This runeword combination creates the "Honor" runeword, which provides a bonus to attack rating, enhanced damage, and a chance to cast a level 10 Concentration aura on hit. This is a good option for characters who rely on physical damage and want to boost their attack rating.

4. Amethysts: Socketing the Great Poleaxe with Amethysts can increase the weapon's damage to undead enemies. This is a good option for characters who frequently encounter undead enemies, such as those in Act 5.

5. Rubies: Socketing the Great Poleaxe with Rubies can add fire damage to the weapon. This is a good option for characters who want to add elemental damage to their attacks.

With our reliable and timely updated D2R Great Poleaxe[4S & ETH & 10-14 ED] Trading Price Index for PS4, PC, Switch, and Xbox, you can easily check the current Diablo 2 Resurrected Great Poleaxe[4S & ETH & 10-14 ED] Market Value on Ladder and No-Ladder Mode! The prices of D2R Great Poleaxe[4S & ETH & 10-14 ED] are ranged from 8.83USD to 19.85USD, learn when the price is rising and falling, get the best Diablo 2 Great Poleaxe[4S & ETH & 10-14 ED] trading and buy D2R Ladder Items! Among Non-Ladder D2R items, the Great Poleaxe[4S & ETH & 10-14 ED] is priced at 19.85USD, and in the trading of D2R Ladder items, it requires 19.85USD. Knowing the value will help you buy D2R items at a more favorable price. In terms of our D2R items stock, we still have 99 D2R items in this Runewords(Bases), welcome to buy Diablo 2 items and runes here.

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